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Dear Class of 1980:

Just in case you missed the email and this important message.


Now that the Reunion Planning Committee has re-assembled we are full steam ahead for our either fashionably late 40th/shockingly early 45th/or blame it on COVID 42nd High School Reunion. Each time we've gotten this far in the process a new COVID variant has appeared so if it happens again, well, we're really sorry but we want a Reunion!

We have settled on a venue in Cudahy (The Dresden Castle aka the old Holy Family Church on Underwood Avenue) and are working on food and drink options as well as continuing to locate classmates. Apparently quite a few are in the Witness Protection Program but we're getting there.

As we put down deposits to hold the space etc...,it would make the planning process faster and easier if those of you who are able could contribute some amount in advance. If you can, the eventual cost per person will be less and we may be able to make a donation to the High School in honor of our class.

We also have an anonymous donor who is willing to match any amount sent so all amounts are gratefully accepted.

Our Venmo account can be found below. @CHS1980Reunion

Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing all of you on September 10th!


Will be held at the Dresden Castle formally known as Holy Family Catholic Church.

5:00p.m.  Cocktails

6:00p.m. - Dinner

8:00p.m. - Music, Dancing, Reminiscing

Register now!


Early Bird ticket pricing $35 per person. 

After 8/5/2022 $40 per person 

At the door $50 per person. 


Please pay by VENMO or send by Snail Mail


Venmo Account: @CHS1980Reunion or


Make a check Payable to: 

CHS 1980 Reunion

7959 W. Townsend St. Milwaukee WI 53111

Join us for a weekend of celebrating!

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